Loka shoe factory produces its products with the most up-to-date devices and equipment from first-class and new materials. In addition to a special measure, this factory has provided this possibility for the traders and buyers of plastic slippers so that they can get the product they need at the door price of the factory in person or in person.
The products of the Loka slippers factory;
At the Loka Qom shoe factory, different types of slippers are produced for different ages and in different sizes.
These slippers are of very high quality and are:
are available
Loka shoe factory uses EVA, Airballing and PVC materials to produce slippers. Considering the nature of using slippers and its convenience for consumers, this product has flexibility and soft material, and is also anti-slip. After many years of operation, Loka shoe factory has been able to export to most countries in the Middle East, including Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Azerbaijan.
Loka shoe factory designs and produces very beautiful and stylish models of plastic slippers using the advanced equipment it has and with the creative minds of its designers. In general, the types of slippers produced in this factory can be categorized as follows: